0 | OK | Your request was accepted. |
1 | INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH | You have not provided a valid message to send. |
8 | SYSTEM_ERROR | There was an unexpected error while processing the request. |
10 | INVALID_SENDER_ID | The senderid parameter is not valid. |
11 | INVALID_MOBILE_NUMBER | The mobile number provided is invalid. |
14 | INVALID_ACCESS_KEY | The access key provided is invalid. |
16 | UNAUTHORISED | You are unauthorised to use the SendMode API. |
18 | INVALID_PARAMETER | A passed parameter is of and invalid type. |
97 | INVALID_SCHEDULE_DATE_FORMAT | The scheduledate parameter provided is not in the correct format. |
104 | CODE_EXPIRED | Verify code has expired. |
105 | CODE_INVALID | Verify code is invalid or has already been verified. |
195 | EXPECTED_PARAMETER_MISSING | A required parameter is missing from the request. |