Error Codes

All error responses are in the form of a JSON string.

The error code in the response can be used to lookup a description.


Error Codes

Error Codes

0OKYour request was accepted.
1INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTHYou have not provided a valid message to send.
8SYSTEM_ERRORThere was an unexpected error while processing the request.
10INVALID_SENDER_IDThe senderid parameter is not valid.
11INVALID_MOBILE_NUMBERThe mobile number provided is invalid.
14INVALID_ACCESS_KEYThe access key provided is invalid.
16UNAUTHORISEDYou are unauthorised to use the SendMode API.
18INVALID_PARAMETERA passed parameter is of and invalid type.
97INVALID_SCHEDULE_DATE_FORMATThe scheduledate parameter provided is not in the correct format.
104CODE_EXPIRED Verify code has expired.
105CODE_INVALIDVerify code is invalid or has already been verified.
195EXPECTED_PARAMETER_MISSINGA required parameter is missing from the request.
Response Error JSON

Response Error JSON

    "error":"You do not have all the required variables in your [message] data"